Monday, November 24, 2008

So clooseee!

End of the semester is approaching... very very quickly. Last week was our last full week of classes, and now we only have 6 days of classes(not to mention only 1 weekend left in the city) left until finals start on Dec 8th. Eeeek. I know I've said this a million times already, but this semester has flown by. I didn't think I would be sad once the end was nearing, but I am as I keep reflecting on the events of this year. This will be my last few weeks in the dorms, my last few weeks living with 10 of my closest friends, and last few weeks in Boston before London for 4 months. As excited as I am for London, the reality has finally began to set in; I won't be able to see my family and friends for 4 months. 4 months is a long long time, and I've never been away from home for that long.

ANYWAYS, on a happier note, I had a p
retty good weekend. On Friday I had to go home for an MRI on my knee... which was not fun at all. But after the MRI was over, my mom cooked my favorite dinner(mashed potatoes, steak and veggies :) ) and then I went to my brother's powderpuff game. Now for all of you who don't know what powderpuff is, let me explain. Basically, the girls play flag football, and the boys dress up as cheerleaders and cheer throughout the game for the girls, and at half time they perform their practiced routine. In short, it turns out to be a hilarious night. Being from Beverly, our rival is Salem, so each year the girls play flag football against the Salem girls. It's always a rough game, and when I played we lost to Salem, but on Friday the Bev girls won!! Yay! To the right is a picture from the day of my powderpuff game.

So this weekend I had to write my first press release for my PR class. We were given a list of about 4 scenarios and we had to chose 1 to write
a release for. I hope I did the assignment right, because I've never done one before, but it was really a fun thing to research and write. Also, the second part of my PR project is due next week. I have not started it. Uh oh. At least I have Thanksgiving break to catch up on some work. Basically it's only PR that I have a big project in, and I have an exam in my Ethics class sometime after Thanksgiving break. Due to the project, I don't have a final in PR! Which is awesome. So I guess its give and take with that class; lots of work now, but none during finals week. :)

Have a delicious Thanksgiving everyone!!

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