Last night I spent from 530 to 11pm in the library writing my final paper for World Lit. Not exactly my definition of fun. But I think I wrote a pretty good paper.. at least I hope so because I really want an A in this class. Then when we passed in our papers today, my professor went over what will be on the final exam next week. Seems like it's going to be a tough exam with lots and lots of writing. Not looking forward to that.
Thennnn after I spent all of Monday night working real hard on my PR project, making it look all nice and presentable, I get to class and realize that it isn't due until THURSDAY. Ugh. Well at least I finished it... Oh and then, I thought that we didn't have a final in that class. Turns out, we do. And it's tomorrow. And what else is tomorrow? My Ethics final exam. To say the least, I'm uber stressed. It's going to be another very late night full of studying. And I'm slightly behind in office hours so I'm going to have to work during finals week, which isn't a big deal, but it's just another thing to think about...
Ok, trying to think of some positives to come from this insanely stressful week... After tomorrow I will be completely done with both my Ethics and PR class. So I guess that's good, and I'll definitely be happy tomorrow night to be done with it all. But as of now I'm really freaking out.

Oh another good thing is that one of my best friends from home is coming into the city tomorrow night! She goes to school at McGill in Montreal, but she decided to skip her last few days of classes to come home. :) So excited to see her! She'll definitely be able to pull me out of my end-of-the-semester slump. To the right is a picture of me and Sarah from last summer :)
Not only has this semester flown by, but it's actually my last semester ever to live in the dorms. Although I feel ready to move off campus, I'm sad to be leaving the comfort of 10 Somerset... as well as living with 10 of my friends. Also, this weekend will be my last weekend in Boston until next fall! Eeeek. That is a strange thought. But next semester I won't have time to feel sad about it as I'm sure I'll be having way too much fun in London :)
I'm really looking forward to winter break. Hopefully I will be able to work full time at the job I held over the summer, which would help me make some more spending money for London. This winter break I am really looking forward to seeing my family and friends as much as possible before I leave. This Thanksgiving break I had a chance to see everyone a lot, which was really nice. A bunch of us went to the traditional Beverly vs Salem football game, hung out at friends houses, and pretty much just relaxed for the weekend. It was the calm before the storm of finals week. Below is a picture of some of us at the football game on Thanksgiving day.

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