The New Team
and Our New First Family!
What an amazing night. After 21 months of grueling campaigning, a new leader has been chosen. Amazing. It seems that the only word to describe this monumental event is "amazing" -- it's the only word I've been able to use to express my feelings of the Tuesday night results.
A few of my friends were able to go to the Copley Plaza where John Kerry was hosting a results show party. Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to go, but it was for a good reason! I spent the night at home so that I could vote. :) At my place of voting, the poll workers were explaining that there was record turnout and they had never seen such high numbers. In my precinct, 1600 out of 1900 registered voters came to the polls last night. Incredible outcome, and so encouraging for us new voters!
Just a quick recap...
Obama won: Maine, Vermont, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, New York, Delaware, Maryland, DC, Virginia, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa, Minnesota, Colorado, New Mexico, Hawaii, Nevada, California,

McCain won: West Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota, North Dakota,Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Utah, Arizona, and Alaska.
All the italic state names mean that they were battleground states. So, all together the electoral college votes equalled out to 349 for Obama, and 163 for McCain. Bit of a landslide. With the popular vote, Obama won 63,354,607 to McCain's 56,013,026. Also, you may have noticed that 2 of our states were not named -- North Carolina and Missouri are still being calculated. As of now, it looks like McCain will win Missouri, and Obama will win North Carolina.
I'm so excited to see what kind of President Obama will be. I know he will be good, and I know he is going to work as hard as he can to get America back on the right track, but it's going to be difficult. Like he said in his acceptance speech, it might not take 1 year, or even 1 term, but things are going to start changing. I also believe Michelle Obama will be a wonderful First Lady. I love her. She's such a warm, heartfelt and sincere person, and I can't wait to see what she'll do in the White House!
Okay, enough about politics. School-wise things are starting to pick up; more projects, exams, papers, etc. But, I definitely can't believe we only have 1 month left of this semester! I think my last day of finals in December 9th, which is super early. Then I leave for London on January 14th! This semester really has flown by.
Program Council sold tickets to the Bruins vs Montreal game on Nov 13th and I was lucky enough to get tickets! PC was only selling about 38, so as you can imagine, the tickets sold out real fast. I'm so excited to see this game -- I love the Bruins and Montreal is one of our biggest rivals so it should be a great game.
I think that's about it for now...
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