Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My First Post.

Hi everyone. My name is Rachel, and I'm a sophomore here at Suffolk. Seeing as this is my first blog I'm not quite sure of what to say, so just bare with me here.

So, sophomore year. I can't even believe it. Last year seems like it went by so fast... and all the things I was worried about last year at this time have completely faded into the distance. All the anxieties of being a freshman are gone, and now I am adjusting to being a sophomore and it feels good.

It's the second... maybe third week of classes - things are already blurring together for me! I love my classes so far. Right now I'm taking World Literature, Public Relations, Ethics and Computer Science. As the classes are still getting underway I haven't had too much work yet which has been a great because I've been able to focus on my new job as an ambassador, and figure out what clubs I want to do this year. As of now I'm involved in The Suffolk Voice(an online newspaper), and I'm part of Program Council(PC). Right now in PC we're planning a Jason Mraz concert! Should be a really fun show, I'm very excited about it. We're also planning a trip into Salem MA for Halloween, and as I live in Beverly MA, right next to Salem, I am looking forward to helping plan that trip. For the "Voice" I just was assigned a profile article about Senator Biden and Governor Palin. As I am recently becoming more political I was excited to get this assignment.

So that's all for now, but more to come.


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