Very exciting news for today's blog... I officially got accepted into Regent's school in LONDON!!! I pretty much knew I would be accepted into the school, but it is sooo much more comforting to actually have a definite answer. Also, I found out that I got all the classes I wanted for the semester over there!! So excited -- I'm taking Biology, Media Productions, Art History, The Civilization of London, and Contemporary Theatre. In my art history, civilization, and theatre classes we get to go on field trips around the city! I'm super excited for that, I love history and theatre :-). I can't wait to go to London, and I'm hoping this semester will continue to fly by -- speaking of which, I can't believe November starts this weekend, it's crazy.
In other n

Unlike all my friends, and everyone in America, I am not celebrating Halloween this year. This is actually a pretty good decision money-wise because costumes are sooo expensive, and since Halloween is on a Friday I'm sure that a full weekend of going out for Halloween celebrations would be pretty expensive as well.
As for classes, not much is new. I had my group presentation on Arrow of God today and I think it went pretty well. We did a powerpoint and had a class discussion of the book as our presentation. Last Tuesday I passed in my PR project so I'm waiting to hear about that... hopefully I did well, I'm pretty nervous because the project kind of confused me. But other than that, things are pretty good and I'm definitely looking forward to this week of concerts!
Have a great week everyone.